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What is Database Management?

Database Management is an essential part of running a business. It is a process of tracking and organizing the data of a firm. Database Management helps in dealing with a huge amount of data and assists the user in multi-tasking. Database Management helps in data storage and security practices of DBA. 



Database Management involves designing, planning, setup of database and database upgrades which helps the firm in planning further operations. It helps in reducing time consumption by reducing manual work. Therefore, having database management is very essential for maintaining the firm’s data.

What is Database Management Services?

Database Management Services empower companies to provide support and continuity to the most basic, massive, and complex applications. The businesses can save huge storage and support costs while ensuring consistency with SLA.

Our Services offer 

  • Designing

  • Planning

  • Setup and installation

  • Backup/restore

  • Database upgrades

  • We even provide 24×7 remote expert support

  • Proactive monitoring of your firm’s data


Advantages of Database Management Services

Monitoring the Database Proactively

Database Management Service proactively monitors the database at all times,  which helps in reducing the risk of unexpected database failures and ensures the smooth running of the firm. Database Management Services help to solve the issue in real-time, which further helps in avoiding the firm’s database failure.


To monitor the database for 24 hours, more staff is required. The staff helps in managing the demand, which increases the firm’s cost. So, hiring Database Management Services helps you manage all the databases.

24/7 Hour Services

With the present 24 hours worldwide culture, firms are forced to work 24/7. Due to this, the firm’s database is accessed out of working hours. The database management services provide continuous technical support and maintain the firm’s database along with 24/7 assistance and problem-solving, when needed. Hence, it is essential to have database management services to maintain the database.


Version experience and Multi-platform

Database management services provide experts who have good knowledge and experience in various database vendors. They are trained to be up to date with all the latest versions of databases, through which they help a firm maintain its database. Hence, many firms hire database management service providers for maintaining the database.

Skilled experts

Database management services provide highly skilled experts who have experience in managing the database. These experts constantly monitor and understand the database to maintain it. The experts are more cost-effective for the firm in the long term. Hence, firms hire database management services for cost efficiencies. 

Fuzi Tech's Offerings


Remote Monitoring

Nowadays remote monitoring has been used to provide secure and continuous monitoring of a firm’s database. Fuzi Tech offers remote monitoring to have real-time monitoring of the firm’s database and to avoid the database downtime. Our team provides the best services to increase the performance of firms by optimizing their database. 

Database Setup

Database setup is very essential for any firm to secure and maintain the its data. Fuzi Tech offers the database setup services so the data is secured and maintained. Our team helps in setting up the database and stores the data securely. Our experts have experience in setting up the database which aids in reducing the costs.

Dedicated Technical Specialist Team


Fuzi Tech provides the best team of specialists to maintain the database. Our specialist team have experience in the service and have a wealth of knowledge in the database management system. The team monitors and studies the database to avoid the downtime and assists in increasing  the performance of businesses.

Database Migration Across Infrastructure

Database Migration is very essential for the movement of data across the firm. Fuzi Tech offers database migration service across Infrastructure that help in moving the data across the firm. As database migration is very complex, our team makes a proper plan so that the firm’s data is easily migrated. Our experienced experts migrate the data without affecting the firm’s data. 

Backup and Restore Activities

Backup and Restore Activities are a very essential part of IT firms. Fuzi Tech offers backup and restores services to the IT firms for securing their data. Our team helps to plan what needs to be backed up and establish a strategy for handling the backup. In addition, our team helps to store the  database in a proper storage device so that it is well protected and even ensures that the backup data is recovered easily whenever needed. Automatic backup is done and the database is monitored by the team to avoid failure in the backup.

Database Replication

Database Replication plays a very essential role in the availability of any firm’s data to the users. Our team helps in storing the data in a different site to improve the availability of the data. Our team ensures that the database is available to all the users easily so that all the users can have similar data with no irregularity. This helps the firm to increase the availability of the database and reduce the servers load which further helps in enhancing the performing of a business.

Database Patches and Upgrades

Database Patches and Upgrades are very essential for running the database smoothly. Older versions of the database become unsupported as the newer and advanced versions of the database are more secure and faster. Our team of experts helps in fixing database bugs by releasing patches and assist to upgrade to the latest technology database. Upgrading the database increases the functionality which enhances a firm's performance.

Database Performance Tuning

Fuzi Tech offers database performance tuning to the firm to optimize and increase the performance of the database. Our team aims to maximize the utilization of system resources to enhance the performance and the work efficiency. We assist in efficient working by configuring and altering the settings for the database. Tuning the database is very essential for improving firm database efficiency. 

High Availability Setup


High Availability Setup is very essential to provide a full-time availability to IT firm’s computing environments. Fuzi Tech provides the best high configured system to ensure that the computing environment is working efficiently. These systems have excess software and hardware that makes the system accessible despite failures which enables the users to access the database anytime. Hence, setting up a high configured system is essential to improve the firm’s efficiency.

24/7 Support

Our services offer 24/7 support to firms to help them as soon as they come up. Our team is available at all times to provide support to the customer. Our experts help in solving issues in real-time. Our experts are highly trained to solve the issues as soon as possible to make the database available to the users. Our services help in improving a firm's performance.

Why Fuzi Tech?

Fuzi Tech offers one of the best IT solutions in India. Our experts are known to handle the queries with perfection and provide the best database management service. Our services offer flexibility and best-budget service to the firm. 



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