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Our Solutions

Fuzi Tech, a leading IT Solutions provider in Delhi, offering integrated service management and support across India. We cater to the needs of large, mid-scale, and small enterprises by providing comprehensive and standardised Technology Solutions Provider in India. Adept in providing solutions and services for a full spectrum of Information technology products.


Our services work through Servers, Storage & Networking devices ranging from entry-level to enterprise level. Fuzi Tech deliver ‘end to end’ service solutions. We are designed to fulfil and enhance service level commitments, enabling partners better to serve their customers in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


Objective Assessments of Your Data Center Assets & Operations

Our Tier Classifications were created to describe the site-level infrastructure required to sustain data center operations. 

Our Data Center Infrastructure Assessment products review all site infrastructure subsystems including mechanical systems, on-site power production, fuel storage, refrigeration, UPS modules, Heating and Cooling Systems, Power Transfer Devices, Server, Storage Devices, Router and Switches and Component redundancy.

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Infrastructure Assessments

Regardless of the engineering design, system technologies, and infrastructure that are in place at a facility, the most common cause of

unplanned downtime is human error. Our Operational Excellence Assessment Programs incorporate the learning of over 15 years of site visits at critical facilities round the world into best practices to help data center owners and operators introduce consistency, transparency and industry best practices into their data center management and operations processes.

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Operations Assessments

Data Center technology changes everyday, both in regards to the site infrastructure as well as the IT load. Even if you optimize for

ratios like Power Usage Efficiency (PUE), You may be powering too much IT load to begin with - over providing server and hardware to meet your modern needs. Our Data Center Efficiency Assessments look at lifecycle, utility mix, energy management and more to help you get a holistic view into your data center efficiency.

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Data Center Assessments

Data Centers are a significant investment for any organization and that investment extends well beyond the initial capital costs of building and commissioning the facility. We are in a position to provide fast, efficient and comprehensive assessments to existing sites in the areas of infrastructure, operations and data center efficiency.
our data center Assessments are structured to help you maximize the value of your data center throughout its lifecycle. We help you ensure your infrastructure has redundant components in place to manage maintenance as well as critical events. We help you assess your operations protocols and procedures to reduce the risk of human error and build a world-class operations team. We help you evaluate data center efficiency to minimize costs and maximize utilization.

Way of Working

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Understanding what

you want out of your

site and how do you

plan to implement


We develop content management systems

for clients who need

more than just the


It is an important step which makes sure that your site works with efficiency all the







We will create a beautiful, affordable website design

for your creative

marketing project. 

After successful testing

of the product is

delivered/ deployed to

the customer for

their use. 

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Understanding the 

need and expectations

of the customers


Planning and 

designing to meet the



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Data Center Operations & Maintenance

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All data center designs are measured by their ability to provide continuous operations for the network services they support. When Construction of the data center is complete, data center operation & maintenance begins.


Fuzi Tech provides outsourced data center operations & maintenance services and solutions to support data center managers. These services may include  comprehensive operational management and regular scheduled maintenance for all facility supporting infrastructure and assets or simply preventive maintenance for specific assets in the Data Center.

Data Center Operations

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Data Center Operations

      Fuzi Tech Data Center Operations 

    support is a holistic approach to data

   center operations which pulls from best

   practices gained from the (Indian 

    Data centre code of conduct ) framework

      for service operations. The approach

        considers seven processes and

          functions related to complete

data center operational


Service Operation
Incident Management 
Event Management
Problem Management 
Request Fulfilment
Access Management
Service Desk

Scope of Operational Support and Analysis Processes and Functions and How Operational Support and Analysis Activities Support the Service Life Cycle

Process to support Data Center Events, Event logs, Changes including Policies, Principles, Process Activities, Methods, Triggers, Inputs and Outputs.

Process to support Data Center incidents such as outages, equipment loss including Policies, Principles, Triggers and Techniques for recovery.

Handling of identified problems or issues within the data center including root cause analysis, comprehensive fixes, improvements and knowledge library inputs for future problem resolution.

Approach to handle end user, organization requests for moves, adds or changes to infrastructure within the Data Center.

Process for server application, database and physical access to the data center and its assets for end users.

Provides a support organization with rules and responsibilities for service support to end users.

Data Center Support

Fuzi Tech has a long history of providing data center operational support to clients. Fuzi Tech focus areas includes Network & Security Solutions, Data Center Solutions, Such as Electrical devices, Routers, Switches, Storage Devices, IBMS, UPS, Air Conditioning (CAC & PAC), Etc. 


Our data center operations support staff have many years of data center operational experience and have comprehensive ITIL training to provide best practices approaches for data center operational support. We also have data center consulting experts to manage operational budgets and help determine best course of action in terms of fix versus replace fo

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Data Center Maintenance

Fuzi Tech offers a Data Center Managed Maintenance Service to ensure reliable operation of the critical systems installed. Since we designed and built your facility or have built many similar facilities, we have a thorough understanding of all data center facility supporting infrastructure systems used today. Therefore, our management and field technicians are in the best position to provide superior service and data center operations support.


A comprehensive service plan is specifically designed to provide preventive maintenance, reliable 24/7 emergency service and corrective service for the data center. Fuzi Tech will manage the plan directly with PTS technical resources or through our selected service affiliates and will contract directly with each supplier of the described services.





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Develop an annual preventive maintenance schedule.

Review of invoices for additional services

24 X 7 support

Physical site inspecting

Coordination and tracking of all service visits

RCA preparation and solutions

Resolution of service issues

Review of all service reports

Ability to see Big Picture

Onshore & Offshore


Response Centre


Smoother Transition Plans

High Quality Standards

Strong Business Analysis & Knowledge

Strong Technical Skills & Experience

Powerful Tools and proven methodology

Our Maintenance Services

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